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T. Ivancovsky, S. Baror, M. Bar | Behavioral and Brain Sciences (in press)

E.Levy-Gigi, E. Sudai, M. Bar | Journal of Anxiety Disorders (in press)

 T. Ivancovsky, S. Baror, M. Bar | Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 47, e89, 1-76

A shared novelty-seeking basis for creativity and curiosity

Context as a barrier: Impaired contextual processing increases the tendency to develop PTSD symptoms across repeated exposure to trauma

 E.Levy-Gigi, E. Sudai, M. Bar | Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 100

How associative thinking influences scene perception

S. Baror, M. Bar, E. Aminoff | Consciousness and Cognition, 103, 103377

Increased associative interference under high cognitive load

S. Baror, M. Bar | Scientific Reports, 12, 1766

Constricted semantic relations in acute depression

E.V. Harel, E. Shetreet, R. Tennyson, M. Fava, M. Bar | Journal of Affective Disorders, 311, 565-571

The emotional influence of different geometries in virtual spaces: A neurocognitive examination

A. Shemesh, G. Leisman, M. Bar, Y.J. Grobman | Journal of Environmental Psychology, 81, 101802

From Objects to Unified Minds

M. Bar | Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30 (2), 129-137

Perceptual decisions are biased toward relevant prior choices

H. Fiegin, S. Baror, M. Bar, A. Zaidel | Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 648

A neurocognitive study of the emotional impact of geometrical criteria of architectural space

A. Shemesh, G. Leisman, M. Bar, Y.J. Grobman | Architectural Science Review, 64 (4), 394-407

Oculomotor anticipation reveals a multitude of learning processes underlying the serial reaction time task

A. Tal, A. Bloch, H. Cohen-Dallal, O. Aviv, S.S. Ashkenazi, M. Bar, E. | Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 6190

Wanted: Architecture for changing minds

M. Bar | Physics of Life Reviews, 36, 35-36

Our need for associative coherence

Y. Afiki, M. Bar | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7, 80

Overarching States of Mind

N. Herz, S. Baror, M. Bar | Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24 (3), 184-199

Inferior parietal lobule and early visual areas support elicitation of individualized meanings during narrative listening

S. Saalast, J. Alho, M. Bar, E. Glerean, T. Honkela, M. Kauppila, M. Sams, I. P. Jääskeläinen | Brain and Behavior, 9 (5), e01288

Prediction is Production: The missing link between language production and comprehension

C.D. Martin, F.M. Branzi, M. Bar | Scientific Reports, 8, 1079

The default network and the combination of cognitive processes that mediate self-generated thought

V. Axelrod, G. Rees, M. Bar | Nature Human Behavior, 1, 896–910

Empathy: The Role of Expectations

S. Trapp, S. Schütz-Bosbach, M. Bar | Emotion Review, 10 (2), 161–166

Internal valence modulates the speed of object recognition

M. Panichello, K. Kveraga, M. Chaumon, M. Bar, L.F. Barrett | Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 361

Associated Information Increases Subjective Perception of Duration

R. Schweitzer, S. Trapp, M. Bar | Perception, 46 (8), 1000-1007

Predictions penetrate perception: Converging insights from brain, behaviour and disorder

C. O'Callaghan, K. Kveraga, J. Shine, R. Adams, M. Bar | Consciousness and Cognition, 47, 63-74


Affective response to architecture - investigating human reaction to spaces with different geometry

A. Shemesh, R. Talmon, O. Karp, I. Amir, M. Bar, Y.J. Grobman | Architectural Science Review, 60 (2), 116-125

Convergent evidence for top-down effects from the “predictive brain"

C. O'Callaghan, K. Kveraga, J. Shine, R. Adams, M. Bar | Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39, e254

Linking Major Depression and The Neural Substrates of Associative Processing

E. Harel, R. Tennyson, M. Fava, M. Bar | Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 16 (6), 1017-1026

Associative Activation and Its Relation to Exploration and Exploitation in the Brain

S. Baror, M. Bar | Psychological Science, 27 (6), 776-789

Cortical integration of contextual information across objects

T. Livne, M. Bar | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28 (7), 948-958

Prior probability modulates anticipatory activity in category-specific areas

S. Trapp, J. Lepsien, S.A. Kotz, M. Bar | Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 16 (1), 135-144


Space and Human Perception – Exploring Our Reaction to Different Geometries of Spaces

A. Shemesh, M. Bar, Y.J. Grobman | 20th International Conference of the Association of Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, 541-550

Increasing propensity to mind-wander with transcranial direct current stimulation

V. Axelrod, G. Rees, M. Lavidor, M. Bar | Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 112 (11), 3314–3319

Prediction, context and competition in visual recognition

S. Trapp, M. Bar | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1339, 190-198

Direction of Magnetoencephalography Sources Associated with Feedback and Feedforward Contributions in a Visual Object Recognition Task

S.P. Ahlfors, S.R. Jones, J. Ahveninen, M.S. Hamalainen, J.W. Belliveau, M. Bar | Neuroscience Letters, 585, 149-154

Exploring the unconscious using faces

V. Axelrod, M. Bar, G. Rees | Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19 (1), 35-45

Human preferences are biased towards associative information

S. Trapp, A. Shenhav, S. Bitzer, M. Bar | Cognition and Emotion, 29 (6), 1054-1068

Neural correlates of subliminal language processing

V. Axelrod, M. Bar, G. Rees, G. Yovel | Cerebral Cortex, 25(8), 2160-2169

If it bleeds, it leads: Separating threat from mere negativity

K. Kveraga, J. Boshyan, R. Adams, J. Mote, N. Betz, N. Ward, N. Hadjikhani, M. Bar, L.F. Barrett | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 10 (1), 28-35


Attributes of form in the built environment that influence perceived walkability

N.M. Oreskovic, P. Roth, S.L. Charles, D. Tsigaridi, K. Shepherd, K.P. Nelson, M. Bar | Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 31 (3), 218-232

Forming first impressions of others in schizophrenia: Impairments in fast processing and in use of spatial frequency information

J. Vakhrusheva, V. Zemon, M. Bar, N.G. Weiskopf, F. Tremeau, E. Petkova, Z. Su, I.Y. Abeles, P.D. Butler | Schizophrenia Research, 160 (1-3), 142-149

The proactive brain and the fate of dead hypotheses

A. Tal and M. Bar | Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 8, 138

The resilience of object predictions: Early recognition across viewpoints and exemplars

O.S. Cheung, M. Bar | Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21 (3), 682-688


The role of parahippocampal cortex in cognition

E.M. Aminoff, K. Kveraga, and M. Bar | Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17 (8), 379–390

Visual predictions in the orbitofrontal cortex rely on associative content

M. Chaumon, K. Kveraga, L.F. Barrett, and M. Bar | Cerebral Cortex, 24 (11), 2899-2907

Predictive feedback and conscious visual experience

M.F. Panichello, O.S. Cheung, and M. Bar | Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 620


Affective value and associative processing share a cortical substrate

A. Shenhav, L.F. Barrett, and M. Bar | Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 13 (1), 46-59

Contributions of low and high spatial frequency processing to impaired object recognition circuitry in schizophrenia

D.J. Calderone, M.J. Hoptman, A. Martinez, S. Nair-Collins, C.J. Mauro, M. Bar, D.C. Javitt, and P.D. Butler | Cerebral Cortex, 23 (8), 1849-1858

Micro-valences: perceiving affective valence in everyday objects

S. Lebrecht, M. Bar, L.F. Barrett, and M.J. Tarr | Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 107

Enabling Global Processing in Simultanagnosia by psychophysical biasing of visual pathways

C. Thomas, K. Kveraga, E. Huberle, H-O. Karnath, and M. Bar | Brain, 135 (5), 1578-1585

Visual prediction and perceptual expertise

O.S. Cheung and M. Bar | International Journal of Psychophysiology, 83 (2), 156-163


Preference for Symmetry: Only on Mars?

K. Shepherd and M. Bar | Perception, 40 (10), 1254-1256

Early onset of neural synchronization in the contextual associations network

K. Kveraga, A.S. Ghuman, K.S. Kassam, E. Aminoff, M.S. Hamalainen, M. Chaumon, and M. Bar | Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 108 (8), 3389-3394

Emotional valence modulates the preference for curved objects

H. Leder, P.P.L. Tinio, and M. Bar | Perception, 40 (6), 649-655

The effect of mental progression on mood

M.F. Mason and M. Bar | Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141 (2), 217-221


Wait for the second marshmallow? Future-oriented thinking and delayed reward discounting in the brain

M. Bar | Neuron, 66 (1), 4-5


A cognitive neuroscience hypothesis of mood and depression

M. Bar | Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13 (11), 456-463

The proactive brain: memory for predictions

M. Bar | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364 (1521), 1235-1243

Predictions: A universal principle in the operation of the human brain

M. Bar | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364 (1521), 1181-1182

See it with feeling: Affective predictions during object perception

L.F. Barrett and M. Bar | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 364 (1521), 1235-1234

Exploring the past and impending future in the here and now: Mind-wandering in the default state.

M.F. Mason, M. Bar and C.N. Macrae | Cognitive Science Compendium, 2, 143-162


Cultural specificity in amygdala response to fear faces

J.Y. Chiao, T. Iidaka, H.L. Gordon, J. Nogawa, M. Bar, E. Aminoff, N. Sadato and N. Ambady | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20 (12), 2167-2174

The cortical underpinnings of context-based memory distortion

E. Aminoff, D.L. Schacter and M. Bar | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20 (12), 2226-2237

Scenes unseen: The parahippocampal cortex intrinsically subserves contextual associations, not scenes or places per se

M. Bar, E. Aminoff and D.L. Schacter | Journal of Neuroscience, 28 (34), 8539-8544

The proactive brain: Using rudimentary information to make predictive judgments

M. Bar and M. Neta | Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 7 (4-5), 319–330

The effects of priming on frontal-temporal communication

A. Ghuman, M. Bar, I.G. Dobbins and D. Schnyer | Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 105 (24), 8405-8409

Famous Faces activate contextual associations in the parahippocampal cortex

M. Bar, E. Aminoff and A. Ishai | Cerebral Cortex, 18 (6), 1233-1238

Integrated contextual representation for objects' identities and their locations

N. Gronau, M. Neta, & M. Bar | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20 (3), 371-388


The Proactive Brain: Using analogies and associations to generate predictions

M. Bar | Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11 (7), 280-289

Magnocellular projections as the trigger of top-down facilitation in recognition

K. Kveraga, J. Boshyan and M. Bar | Journal of Neuroscience, 27 (48), 13232-13240

The continuum of "looking forward," and paradoxical requirements from memory

M. Bar | Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30 (3), 315-316

Top-down predictions in the cognitive brain

K. Kveraga, A.S. Ghuman and M. Bar | Brain and Cognition, 65 (2), 145-168

The units of thought

M. Bar, E. Aminoff, M. Mason and M. Fenske | Hippocampus, 17 (6), 420-428

Visual elements of subjective preference modulate amygdala activation

M. Bar and M. Neta | Neuropsychologia, 45 (10), 2191-2200

The parahippocampal cortex mediates spatial and non-spatial associations

E. Aminoff, N. Gronau and M. Bar | Cerebral Cortex, 17 (7), 1493-1503


Top-down facilitation of visual recognition

M. Bar, K.S. Kassam, A.S. Ghuman, J. Boshyan, A.M. Schmidt, A.M. Dale, M.S. Hamalainen, K. Marinkovic, D.L. Schacter, B.R. Rosen and E. Halgren | Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 103 (2), 449-454

Very first impressions

M. Bar, M. Neta and H. Linz | Emotion, 6 (2), 269-278

Humans prefer curved visual objects

M. Bar and M. Neta | Psychological Science, 17 (8), 645-648

The influence of non-remembered affective associations on preference

A.S. Ghuman and M. Bar | Emotion, 6 (2), 215-223

Top-down facilitation of visual object recognition: Object-based and context-based contributions

M.J. Fenske, E. Aminoff, N. Gronau and M. Bar | Progress in Brain Research, 155, 3-21


The rise and fall of priming: How visual exposure shapes cortical representations of objects

L. Zago, M.J. Fenske, E. Aminoff and M. Bar | Cerebral Cortex, 15 (11), 1655-1665


Visual objects in context

M. Bar | Nature Reviews: Neuroscience, 5 (8), 617-629

Cortical analysis of visual context

M. Bar and E. Aminoff | Neuron, 38 (2), 347-358


A cortical mechanism for triggering top-down facilitation in visual object recognition

M. Bar | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15 (4), 600-609


Viewpoint dependency in visual object recognition does not necessarily imply viewer-centered representation

M. Bar | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13 (6), 793-799

Cortical mechanisms of explicit visual object recognition

M. Bar, R. Tootell, D. Schacter, D. Greve, B. Fischl, J. Mendola, B. Rosen and A. M. Dale | Neuron, 29 (2), 529-535

Inferior temproal neurons show greater sensitivity to nonaccidental than metric shape differences

R. Vogels, I. Biederman, M. Bar and A. Lorincz | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13 (4), 444-453


Differing views on views: Response to Hayward and Tarr

I. Biederman and M. Bar | JVision Research, 40 (28), 3901-3905


Subordinate-level object classification reexamined

I. Biederman, S. Subramaniam, M. Bar, P. Kaloscai and J. Fiser | Psychological Research, 62, 131-153

One-shot viewpoint invariance in matching novel objects

I. Biederman and M. Bar | Vision Research, 39 (17), 2885-2899

Localizing the cortical regions mediating visual awareness of object identity

M. Bar and I. Biederman | Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 96 (4), 1790-1793


Subliminal visual priming

M. Bar and I. Biederman | Psychological Science, 9 (6), 464-469


Spatial context in recognition

M. Bar and S. Ullman | Perception, 25 (3), 343-352



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